, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
My First 5K medal, runners medal

My First 5K Finishers Medals 2017 in Display Frames

Check out the 2017 My First 5K Medals in display frames.

The 2017 ribbons have a Velcro clasp which allows for many more medal display options.

My First 5K Medal – Zig Zag Ribbon

My First 5K Medal, First 5K Combo, display frame, 5k medals

My First 5K Medal with vertical ribbon display

first 5k display frame, first finishers medal, 5k medal

My First 5k Medal with standard display

my first 5k frame, 5k medal display, 5k medals


medal ribbons, race ribbons

how it feels to get your first 5k Medal, first 5k


We are ready for any summer 5K race that you talked your friend or child into running with you. Don’t you think they deserve a special medal?

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