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fall races, sunday long runs

5 reasons to join my email list

Most people follow Omni Running through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Each week, usually on Monday, everyone gets a notice that Iโ€™ve posted something new.

Some posts take an hour to write and many take a day or more. Some bloggers write everyday or several times week. On my previous blog I posted several days a week. Most of us donโ€™t have time to read all of those articles and I found I donโ€™t have time to write well that frequently.

Most bloggers have an email list and most of us are on many email lists already. ย It could be your bank or favorite restaurant or shop sending you specials and promos.

My Email List

Few of us want to sign up for more email. Our in boxes are jam packed everyday with offers we really donโ€™t care about. I subscribe to a lot of newsletters and many other mailing lists, so I get it.

Emily McDivitt, Andy NagelinPeople on my email list get an email each time I post a new article. As I said above, I usually only write one blog post a week. They get more email from CVS than they do from me.

In appreciation for the people who sign onto my email list, each week I add something extra. Subscribers get a news letter which allows me to add links to articles that I think they will be interested in.

Each week I update the links that I think runners would be interested in. I leave some links on the news letter for weeks or months depending on how relevant they are. Articles on running in the heat or running at night have stayed on my side bar for long periods of time.

My blog and newsletter do promote the โ€œMy First 5Kโ€ medal and my running medal display frames, however, I try to keep the focus on things all runners are interested in.

You have seen my lists of local races and re-caps of races I have run. I hope the re-caps are fun to read. I also hope they help you get a feel for the race and help you decide if you want to sign up for the race next year.

5 articles Omni Running Subscribers saw this summer

I include links to articles that are professionally written and that would benefit little from my efforts. Sometimes they are simply links to information that you can use such as lists or info graphics. These are easy to read and info-dense. Some links are to 500 word (or more) articles, but I try to link to quality articles on running and race management.

There is so much โ€œcontentโ€ out there that most of us cannot keep up. Many articles are what are we refer to as โ€œclick bait.โ€ Bloggers try to get you to open their blog post so they can get paid for your clicks. I try not to link to these articles and my own blog posts are not like that at all.

When someone buys a medal or a display frame, that supports my business. I donโ€™t make money when you visit my Homepage-First-5K-Medal-01blog or web site, so you will never see a clutter of ads that get in the way of what interested you in the first place. I also do not make money when you click on an article that I have curated for you.

Iโ€™m trying to provide a resource of curated articles that are relevant to your interests; running, fitness, managing races and having a fun life.

Here are five articles I linked to this summer that I think are pretty cool. If you think these additional articles are interesting, join my email list and let me serve up some good reads for you!

5 reasons to join my email list

How to Beat the Heat This article from first showed up on my newsletter on July 18th and is still there. This article from 2015 offers five simple ideas to help you beat the heat. You probably do most of these things already. The great thing about this article is that it will probably remind ย you of a few other things to make your running more comfortable and safer.

Sun Safety Tips was added on June 14th. This is a link to seven common sense ways to stay safe in the sun. Not a lengthy article but good advice from the Melanoma Foundation of New England. You probably do some of these things, but could be doing more to protect yourself and your family.

Beer Miles Runners love beer and the Beer Mile type races have become popular, if not quite mainstream yet. BEERFIT had a series of Brew Mile races across the country. It may have been one one-time series as their web site is gone and their Facebook page is dated. Google “Beer Mile” and you are sure to find a race near you.

Not every link is to a running web site or article. Boozie Ice Cream Recipes is from, one of the newsletters I subscribe to. They send me emails all about cocktails and alcohol. Itโ€™s not always about how to make an Old Fashioned or a perfect Martini, sometimes itโ€™s about how liquor is made and sometimes itโ€™s a fun article about ice cream! Life isnโ€™t just about running and beer!

Youโ€™re going to love these recipes, unless youโ€™re trying to drop some weight for your fall marathon! Sorry.

What to Wear This article from Runnersworld showed up July 11th in the newsletter itself. All of the above links were in the sidebar. Sometimes I write a brief article on a subject that I donโ€™t discuss on my blog. This link is to a guide to picking the correct running gear based on your planned run and anticipated conditions.

If youโ€™re not on my mailing list you miss out on these asides, tips and other fun stuff.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to โ€œJoin the runโ€ and join my mailing list?

Here’s a 6th reason to join. Facebook decides what you see in your feed. So you may not see my posts at all. How about Twitter? I see well over 1,000 tweets a day. If you follow me on Twitter I’m probably getting lost in the torrent of tweets.

Some race re-caps just don’t belong on LinkedIn, so I don’t post them there. Pinterest is cool, but I don’t post a lot of photos to Pinterest.

Join the run and never miss a post.

Run well my friend!

Andy, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0




2 responses to “5 reasons to join my email list”

  1. creakyjointsrunning Avatar

    Hi Andy, nice picture of you and Emily from the BAA race. I’ve gotten to know her a bit thru the Y. Our sons are friends. I think you and I may have chatted on a Tuesday MRC run last year. I remember your quest to run all those 5ks… Anyway it’s tough for me to join MRC these days because I have two little ones now, but I’m still out there running and have discovered this #runsocial community online helps to keep me motivated when I can’t run with people all the time. I’m enjoying your blog and the local race reviews. I may sign up for a half marathon before the end of the year… We’ll see. I’ve reviewed a few races recently on my blog, mostly trail races which are super fun! See you out there sometime… Keep running!

    1. OmniRunner Avatar

      Hi Lisa,

      I appreciate your kind comments and reading my blog.

      There is the Cambridge Half and the Howling Wolf Half at the Stone Zoo. Nice and local.

      We may have met at a Tuesday night run. Young children require lots of attention, running will be there for you when they are older.