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Author: OmniRunner

  • Shoe Talk Decoded

    Buying Running Shoes can be intimidating If you are a first time running shoe buyer it can get confusing. Each brand claims to be the best and to have the latest, and of course best, technology. Reading reviews can often lead to more confusion as the shoe wonks go into the minutia of engineering, foot strike,…

  • Janathon Day 25

    Recently I have been posting with out the title “Janathon” I have been writing every day, but I have not been running or exercising regularly. Writing everyday is a challenge. It is easy to write a blathering stream of consciousness piece that is of no interest to anyone except maybe a psychology major who is…

  • Time on my hands

    Instead of time on my feet, I now have time on my hands Due to my knee issue, I’ve been advised not to run for the next 7-10 days. I’ve managed to catch up on all of my DVR’d Colbert Report shows and we are making a dent in the backlog of John Stewart’s The…

  • My First DNS

    My First DNS

    After speaking with a medical professional on Tuesday, I’ve decided not to run the Derry 16 Miler this Sunday. My first DNS As I said in a previous post – what ever it takes to get to Boylston Street. Right now that means giving my knee time to get better. If it doesn’t get better,…

  • Controlling the cost of running

    Controlling the cost of running

    The cost of running can get out of hand The basic gear for running is inexpensive. If you are new to running, you probably have most of the items you need to run all ready. What do you need? Shoes. Good running shoes are essential and you should go to a local running store for your…

  • The Road to Boston Continues

    The Road to Boston Continues

    Today was Sunday Long Run (SLR) number three. Yesterday we had a modest snow fall of about 2-3 inches in our area. It was the heavy wet stuff and left a coating of water that produced a glaze of ice on the roads over night. The MRC always has a SLR no matter the weather and we always…