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Author: OmniRunner

  • The 2014 Plan

    The 2014 Plan Saturday I reflected on 2013 and some of my accomplishments. My New Year’s Resolutions post from December 2012 didn’t spell out my resolutions, but encouraged readers to make realistic and healthy resolutions before the New Year’s Eve party started. Today it is time to lay out The 2014 Plan. The Plan is…

  • 2013 in Review

    2013 in Review

    2013 in Review As 2013 draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the past twelve months. At this time last year I wrote a post called “New Year’s Resolutions” and discussed setting goals before New Year’s Eve. It is easy to have big dreams and set high goals after a few beverages and…

  • A Christmas Wish

    A Christmas Wish As the Christmas season approached many people made wish lists and asked for wish lists from their loved ones. I always find it difficult to make these lists. I don’t really need or want anything. My house is full of things I don’t use and items that have not been touched in a very…

  • The Greatest Gift of all

    The Greatest gift of all is love We can give love to others and we can give it to ourselves. Love is the purest form of validation which is what we all ultimately seek in life. To love is to forgive and look past our own faults and failures and those of others. It is…

  • 9th Annual Wilmington Half and 5K

    9th Annual Wilmington Half and 5K

    2013 Wilmington Half Marathon Recap. The 9th annual running was my first time for this race and I ended up running a PR and placing 3rd in my Age Group.

  • AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill

    AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill test run and review I tried out the AlterG® Anti-Gravity Treadmill® recently. This is the treadmill you may have heard about that reduces your body weight. This reduction lessons the impact of walking or running on your body. I went to Fitzgerald Physical Therapy Associates in Woburn, MA and ran on the AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill…