, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Baystate quick note

Baystate has been run

My time was 3:49. This is about 2 minutes slower than last year. After my amazing results at Boston and Lubec, I’m a little let down by my performance today.

It was warmer than forecast so I was over dressed. I carried 2x the food I needed so there was extra weight and distractions.

I had high hopes for today and the conditions seemed ideal. I mis-calculated. As always, I could have trained more. Have you ever run a race and not had that thought?

So I’ll try to stop whining in my beer and go get another one.Here is the link to current results. I’ll have a post tomorrow and maybe a YouTube video.

Congrats to everyone who ran today. I hope you had a good race and enjoyed some time with your tribe.

Sleep well!

Andy, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0




2 responses to “Baystate quick note”

  1. Tracy Avatar

    Congrats. That’s a great time!

    1. Runner2014 Avatar

      Thanks Tracy. I was hoping for a new PR but it just wasn’t in the cards. Several friends did PR and BQ. Very happy for them.