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Category: Running Gear
Marathon gear check
I finally set up a YouTube account for Omni Running today. My first video is a review of all of the stuff I’m taking to Baystate tomorrow. Used my cell phone, so the quality isn’t great, but take a look if you want to see all of the stuff I’m hauling to Baystate. …
Summer Running Advice
Summer Running Season is finally here. We endure freezing cold winters and soggy springs to get to this beautiful weather. Ideal running conditions are temps in the 50’s, low humidity and maybe overcast skis and a light breeze. Sometimes we get perfection, but usually we do not. Running takes up a lot of our spare…
Last Long Run
This past Sunday the Melrose Running Club had their last long run of the season. The long route was 12.5 miles and the short route was 7.1 miles. The long route took us over the Fellsway Hills twice! On the way out I charged up the hill and practiced running on my forefoot. There were four…
Marathon Packing
Friday I asked all the Boston Marathon runners if they have started packing yet. Marathon Packing When traveling long distances for a race you have to plan ahead. Fortunately, Boston is not in the sticks and the Boston Marathon Expo will have anything you need for the race. If you forget something (except your shoes!),…
Screw Your Shoes
Winter Running Tip Winter running can be treacherous. Un-plowed sidewalks, narrow streets and icy conditions can make your run dangerous. Even the best trail shoes are no match for some of the winter conditions you are likely to encounter. Here is a DIY winter running tip to keep you on your feet: Screw your shoes.…
Spring 2014 Running Shoe Buyer’s Guide
Spring 2014 Running Shoe Buyer’s Guide I found the link to the Spring 2014 Running Shoe Buyers Guide from in my in-box the other day. I took a look at it and it was very informative. We’re getting to be on the home stretch for the Boston Marathon. If the shoes you are wearing…