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Category: Training
Running Miles Update
Running Miles Update Do you track your running miles? Many runners and cyclists set mileage goals and keep track of their progress over the course of the year or a season. On June 30th, 2014 my miles to date were 458. My 2014 goal is 1,000 miles. I was a little behind, but I’m starting to…
Training YTD June 2014
Now that we are in the second half of 2014, it seemed like a good time to look at Training YTD Through June 30th I have run 57 times for a total of 458 miles. I’m a little short of what I need to be at if I am going to run 1,000 miles in 2014.…
Sunday Long Run Returns
This weekend the fall Sunday Long Run series began We call it the fall series because these runs are training for the fall marathons. Specifically for The Bay State Marathon in Lowell, but it works nicely for the other fall marathons as well such as Hartford and Philadelphia. It seems like just last week I…
Summer Running Advice
Summer Running Season is finally here. We endure freezing cold winters and soggy springs to get to this beautiful weather. Ideal running conditions are temps in the 50’s, low humidity and maybe overcast skis and a light breeze. Sometimes we get perfection, but usually we do not. Running takes up a lot of our spare…
Mid-week motivation
Check out this link on Health & Fitness Obsession, or lack thereof in the US. I love infographics because you can see so much data in an easy to consume format. I don’t think most of this information will be startling to any of you. If you were thinking of NOT going to the gym…
Back on the long run
Long Run Sundays My next marathon is June 15th which gives me six weeks to prepare. I got through the Boston Marathon without any major aches and pains, so I don’t have anything to hold me back. Good judgment will dictate that I ramp up this training plan slowly. If I’m careful I can get through…