, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: Uncategorized

  • Maine Coast Half Marathon 2024

    Maine Coast Half Marathon 2024

    Running the 2024 Maine Coast Half Marathon in Wells, Maine.

  • Tuesday Night Home Run

    Still in post marathon recovery mode. I got home late from work and couldn’t make the club run, so I did a Tuesday night home run around the neighborhood. Setting my sights on an October marathon, possibly in New Jersey. So I need to try and keep myself in marathon shape over the summer. Who…

  • Tick and Mosquito Season is here

    Tick and Mosquito Season is here

    Tick and mosquito season seems to get worse each year. Tick season is generally from April to September but this can fluctuate depending on the weather. Mosquitoes can emerge on the first warm days of spring as some can hibernate through the winter. Mosquito season lasts until the first frost in the northern US, though…

  • Boston Marathon 2016

    Boston Marathon 2016

    Photo credits: Boston Globe, BAA, Paul Locke My journey to the Boston Marathon began on February 18th. That was the day FamilyAid Boston accepted me on their Boston Marathon 2016 Team. My experience with FamilyAid Boston (FAB) was fantastic. I learned about homelessness and philanthropy and the little things each of us can do to…

  • February Running 2016

    February Running 2016

    February Running in Boston I ran 14.6 miles on my Sunday Long Run. We had a great day and the run went well. Normally the day after a long run I lift or take the day off. Not this sunny February 1st day! I knew it would be nice, but when I saw that it…, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0