, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Fire in the belly

I saw this line in Monday’s blog post from Marc and Angel Hack Life and wanted to share it.

there are seven days in the week, and “someday” isn’t one of them.

This goes along with Thomas Jefferson’s “Never put off ’till tomorrow what you can do today.”

What do you want to do with your life?

10, 20 years from now, do you want to be doing what you are doing right now?

Is this good enough, or as good as it gets?

Are you just coasting through life?

If you have a dream you need to pursue it NOW. There are a million excuses to keep doing the same old same old.

Has the same old same old been making you happy?

If it has, good for you. But I suspect most of you have an itch, a restlessness to try fire in the bellysomething new or different. Life has become stale and boring. You don’t have to quit your job or get a divorce.

Maybe you have an old hobby or musical instrument that you would like to pick up again. Maybe you are tired of being out of shape. Maybe you do need to quit your job and go after that new career.

What ever is burning in your belly – go after it. What can you do today, or right now, to pursue your dreams instead of dreaming your way through life?

Think about what fires you up. What gets the juices flowing and the heart pumping. What can you talk about for hours? What do you dream about?

Forge your dreams in the fire in the belly.

Run well my friends


©2014 anagelin, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


7 responses to “Fire in the belly”

  1. runsaltrun Avatar

    Great post and something that I have actually been thinking a lot about lately. Even making small changes here and there can really refresh your life. 🙂

    1. Imarunner2012 Avatar

      Nothing worse than looking back and saying, I wish I had tried that or had gone there etc. Small changes can refresh things, you don’t need to quit your job!

  2. Sweaty Mess Avatar

    Love this!

    1. Imarunner2012 Avatar

      Thank you. It’s not easy to persist in pursuit of your dreams and goals. It’s easier to sit and watch TV. No one thinks that’s crazy.
      Working towards something that no one else can invision is considered crazy by some.
      I hope you are going after something big.

  3. […] time to change things up and pursue some ideas that I have been working on. My post from Tuesday, “Fire in the Belly”, kind of explains why I need to move along. I can’t say exactly what I’m going to do […]

  4. RunKnitTravel Avatar

    I actually got this quote from Samantha Gash (an ultrarunner)
    “Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing”. She said it during an interview for the Desert Runner movie. She also pointed out that she didn’t want her life to be a series of “shoulda, coulda, woulda’s”. That is why she tried and completed all 4 desert runs in the same year.
    Her points have really stuck in my brain.
    Life is about living. Just find something that makes you happy and challenges you and the rest will fall into place.

    1. Imarunner2012 Avatar

      That’s the plan. I actually got a referral this morning for my business, and my retail partner is talking about a possible re-order!
      The dream lives!