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Happy Halloween


“The witch no. 1” lithograph (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Witches, the Supernatural and Halloween

I know a lot of people who read this blog do not live in the US or even Massachusetts. Halloween has become a big holiday in many countries but I think it is most popular here in the US. In Massachusetts we are home to Salem Mass where the famed “Salem Witch Trials” occurred.

To this day Salem has maintained the aura of a witch infested town and today is their big day. The attached link will let you see some of the events and activities in Salem, Mass. Check out “Haunted Happenings” for more fun Halloween activities is Salem.

Each year around Halloween the city of Salem is mobbed with tourists checking out the local attractions and often wearing costumes. The T even runs extra trains to Salem during the “Halloween Season.”

Don’t eat too much candy!

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