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Oscar Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius Shooting

I saw on the news this morning that there had been a shooting at Oscar Pistorius’ home in South Africa. Sadly it looks as if Oscar shot and killed his girl friend Reeva Steenkamp.

The details are few at this point but speculation is rampant. I’ll reserve judgment until some facts are known.

oscar pistorius, Reeva
Reeva and Oscar

I feel terrible for Ms. Steenkamp’s family. In the news reports she seems to have been successful, beautiful and had a bright future ahead of her. I also feel badly for Oscar and his family. If this turns out to have been an accident it will be a terrible burden to carry for the rest of his life. If it turns out that there is more to this story, it could be the end of Oscar’s inspiring story.

I admire and respect Oscar for his accomplishments and the struggles he has overcome. His performance in London in 2012 was truly inspirational. We have lost one of our greatest sports heroes recently, let’s hope that we are not about to lose another., pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


