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Summer Solstice Run

Summer Solstice occurs June 21st at 6:51AM EST

maine,summer solsticeIt is the longest day of the year and many of our ancestors believed the day was of significance. For modern man, it means it is still day light when we leave work. It’s even daylight after dinner so we can go cut the grass.

For the Melrose Running Club, the Summer Solstice is an excuse to have a good time.

We run every Tuesday night and this week we celebrated the Summer Solstice. We broke up into teams and were given a list of locations to run to and activities to perform.

At one stop each team member had to swing a hoola hoop three times. My back was still stiff from the marathon so they kinda gave it to me after a few honest attempts.

Then we had to sing a song (we thought a Christmas carol) in front of a public building. We tried to get a stranger to film us but he took one look at this sweaty group of runners and kept on walking. So we did a selfy that with the camera up-side down. We are so good with technology!Turns out, we could have sung any song!

Then we had to get a recipe card from Whole Foods and then take a full cup of liquid and run about a half mile back to the club. Katherine was quite good at this.

We thought we were in first place, as we arrived back at the club first with a full cup. But another team had a fuller cup. And who filled those cups? So we settled for 2nd place, which wasn’t even good enough for the steak knives!

Everyone had fun with the activity and watching the videos and photos of us doing the hoola-hoop.

Summer is now in full swing, get out there and live it!

Run well my friends,


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