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Tag: 50 5Ks

  • 50 5Ks and beyond

    50 5Ks and beyond

    Race Name Date Location Finish time Result Mystic’s Lake Q 5K 9/17/14 Wakefield 21:39 14th Granara-Skerry 5K 9/27/14 Medford 21:33 29th Baystate Marathon 10/19/14 Lowell 3:49:27 701st Mystic’s Lake Q 5K 10/22/14 Wakefield * * Melrose YMCA Spooky Sprint 5K 10/25/14 Melrose 21:37 2nd Place M50-59 5K Stride for the Saugus Y 11/8/14 Saugus 23:29…

  • Quest for 50 5Ks

    The Quest for 50 5Ks is coming to a close Tonight I’ll be running my 50th official race since turning 50 last September. There were times I thought that I’d never make it. When the snow banks were over 6′ high and the tempts were 20º low, it looked doubtful. A managed to have a…

  • 5K number 48

    5K number 48

    5K 48 has been run! I ran race number 48 Wednesday night at Lake Q with the Mystics. We had a good crew show up and very good conditions. I wore my new Saucony Kinvara 5 shoes and felt pretty good. This was my first race and first run in these shoes and I wasn’t…