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Tag: nutrition
Five Things Every New Boston Marathon Runner Needs to Know
What to expect at Athletes Village and while running the 2023 Boston Marathon.
My Three Favorite Inflammation Remedies
My Three Favorite Inflammation Remedies are delicious and there are many more that you can incorporate into your diet. Read my blog to learn why I transitioned from pills to food.
I first met the founders of New Grounds Food at a Meetup in Somerville. Johnny Fayad and Ali Kothari were students at Northeastern University at the time. They told the group about the CoffeeBar they had developed which was organic, vegan, gluten-free and delicious. They were still deep in the trenches of start-up mode and…
Brubar review
Back in 2014 I was buying brewing supplies at Modern Homebrew Emporium and saw a display for Brubars at the check out counter. I’m pretty sure this product is no longer available, but I still think it’s a cool idea. I had never seen a Brubar before, but the guy at the store said they…
Glucose and the Endurance athlete
Glucose and the Endurance Athlete Glucose is a simple sugar or monosaccharide that is an extremely important form of energy for your body. All other carbohydrates and forms of sugar must be broken down into glucose before your muscles and brain can use them. Muscles and other tissues can use fat and protein as an…
Health on sale
Turmeric Curcumin A few years ago while working through a running injury a friend told me about turmeric. My injury involved inflammation and they told me that turmeric had anti-inflammatory properties. I had been dealing with my injury with ibuprofen, ice and compression. It’s not good to take the maximum daily dose of ibuprofen for…