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Tag: Run to Remember

  • Boston’s Run to Remember 2014 Recap

    Boston’s Run to Remember 2014 On Sunday May 25th, I ran Boston’s Run to Remember. The race is run out of the Seaport World Trade Center in South Boston. Temps were in the mid 50’s with a light breeze and overcast skies: A perfect day for a run. They had a Half Marathon and a 5…

  • Boston’s Run To Remember

    Boston’s Run to Remember 2014             I went to the Expo on Saturday to pick up my packet and shirt. There were 20 or so vendors at the Seaport World Trade Center and at 2PM the crowd was still pretty strong. Finding a parking spot was a challenge and I…

  • My First Marathon Experience

    Training for my First Marathon When I started training for my first marathon in January of 2003, I had no clue what I was doing. I had never been athletic and had no idea what running a marathon was all about. I did not realize that most people who start from square one (A.K.A the…