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Tag: running

  • Survey Results Am I a Runner Yet?

    Survey Results Last week I posted a survey asking if you felt like a runner, or a person who runs. If you keep at it long enough, running becomes part of your identity. It not only consumes your time but excites your imagination, hopes and dreams. Becoming a runner sneaks up on you. In 2003…

  • Am I A Runner Yet?

    On my last post “Becoming a Runner” my last line was “I had become a runner”. In 2009 I felt that I had become a runner by virtue of running several marathons and branching out into 5Ks, 10Ks and half-marathons. Since 2009 I have become more dedicated to the sport and my training has become…

  • Becoming a Runner

    Becoming a Runner The 2003 Boston Marathon was an amazing experience. It was my first marathon AND it was Boston, the grand-daddy of them all. Well, except for that one in Greece. I was never an athlete growing up, and had never participated in anything as strenuous as a marathon before. When I crossed that finish…

  • I’m a running Geek!

    I’ve mentioned a few times that my old training logs are lost to time. Between job changes, computer issues and carelessness I’ve lost files or access to web sites. Well, last night I happened to stumble upon an old email with my account ID to I managed to guess my old password and viola,…

  • My 2012 Boston Marathon Experience

    My 2012 Boston Marathon Experience

    My 2012 Boston Marathon Experience This was definitely a marathon to remember. Ten days out, various sources said race day would be in the mid to high 80’s. But why believe a forecast that far out? These guys and gals have a hard time with a 24-hour forecast. As the day grew closer the forecasted…

  • Notice to all 2012 Boston Marathon participants

    The BAA posted this advisory to their website earlier today. I still plan on running the race but I will not be going for a PR. I think that saying that I survived and finished will be good enough. We may end up running the hottest Boston Marathon on record. Be safe. Originally posted April 14, 2012…