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Tributes to the Victims in Boston

I know that there have been a lot of posts about Boston Strong and the memorial set up first on Boylston Street and now on Copley Square.

I went to Copley Square Monday and took a few photos I’d like to share with you. There were a lot of people when I was there around 12:30pm. People seemed very moved and quiet. Many people were reading the signs, shirts and shoes. I had to keep moving. If I lingered too long and read too much I knew the tears would start. My eyes were wet the entire time I was there.

Never Forgotten, tributes to the victims
Never Forgotten!!
Tributes to the Victims
Flowers, flags and mementos piled high
marathon memorial, tributes to the victims
There were hand written messages everywhere.
Murdered in the line of duty
Tribute to MIT Police Officer Collier


In honor of the victims
Flags at Half Mast at MIT for Officer Collier and the other victims.

On a bridge over the Mystic River heading into Somerville

tributes to the victims
This flag has been on this bridge since April 19th “God Bless Our Nation”

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5 responses to “Tributes to the Victims in Boston”

  1. fromsnickerstomarathon Avatar

    Choked up just looking at those. A touching tribute.

  2. Ja @Ja on the RUN Avatar

    I’m teary eyed looking at your pics. ๐Ÿ™

    1. imarunner2012 Avatar

      The owner of Marathon Sports spoke at my running club tonight. He was there to talk about shoes for our Walk To Run group. He had to stop and take a moment when he was telling us a story about one of his experiences over the past two weeks.
      It’s amazing that no one in that store was killed.

  3. msmidt Avatar

    Thanks for posting.