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Tag: finisher’s medals

  • 5K Medals for First Time runners

    5K Medals for First Time runners

    For a first time runner a medal is a big deal Firsts in life are a big deal. Like a child’s first step, a First 5K Race is a big step in life. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you deserve a finisher’s medal when you finish your first 5K road race. As a runner,…

  • Boston Marathon 2019 Finishers Medal

    Boston Marathon 2019 Finishers Medal

    Looking to frame your 2019 Boston Marathon medal? For $29.95 plus shipping you can frame your medal in a great looking frame.

  • My First 5K Medal Pricing

    My First 5K Medal Pricing

    2020 My First 5K medals are available. Ribbons come with white or pink print. Order 5 or more medals and get free shipping and a discount!

  • Boston Prep 16 Miler Challenge

    Boston Prep 16 Miler Challenge

    Boston Prep 16 Miler draws 350 runners After Saturdays snowfall, the air on race morning was clear and cool. By the 10:00 a.m. start, the temperature had risen to the mid-30’s, and while the sky was overcast, the sun peeked through at times. All in all, a great day for a race! Jim Johnson, of…