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Author: OmniRunner

  • The DIY Guy

    I’m a kind of “do it yourself” kind of guy. A lot of guys don’t like to cook or grocery shop. To me, doing the shopping and/or cooking means I get to eat more of what I like. Call me crazy. If you can’t cook yourself a meal your missing one of the basic skills…

  • Double booked – again

    Have you ever registered for two races on the same day? I don’t mean sitting at your computer registering for a bunch of races during lunch. I mean signing up to run two races on the same date. I did this once last year. I was signed up for the Smuttynose 6K and got an…

  • Mid-week motivation

    Check out this link on Health & Fitness Obsession, or lack thereof in the US. I love infographics because you can see so much data in an easy to consume format. I don’t think most of this information will be startling to any of you. If you were thinking of NOT going to the gym…

  • Back on the long run

    Long Run Sundays My next marathon is June 15th which gives me six weeks to prepare. I got through the Boston Marathon without any major aches and pains, so I don’t have anything to hold me back. Good judgment will dictate that I ramp up this training plan slowly. If I’m careful I can get through…

  • Photographic Money

    Race photos are available for just about every race these days. Some races include the cost of photos in your registration fee and/or have a sponsor. The Half at The Hamptons offered runners free photos. The photography was sponsored by Delta Dental which places their logo on all of our photos. I like this idea. I’m okay with Delta Dental’s…

  • Tick Season is here

    New England Tick Season is here Tick season is during the warmer months of the year, April through September. We had a cold and snowy winter here in New England and some parts of northern New England still have snow on the ground. Ticks are able to winter over in leaf litter on the forest…