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Author: OmniRunner

  • 30 Cups of Tea

    Today I’m back to the office. I managed a 7.91 mile run on Sunday and it felt pretty good. Somewhere along the way I managed to pick up a stomach bug and spent all of Monday on the sofa doing nothing. Just getting up for a glass of water was a challenge. I took Tuesday off…

  • First Run in 24 Days!

    Getting back to racing after an injury takes patience.

  • Road to Boston Continues

    My Road to Boston continues I had my second appointment with my physical therapist and she said I could start running again! She had me run on the treadmill for about 10 minutes and I didn’t have any pain. While I was running and walking at various speeds she checked my cadence and my arm…

  • National Physical Activity Plan

    National Physical Activity Plan

    What is the National Physical Activity Plan? The National Physical Activity Plan is a comprehensive set of policies, programs, and initiatives that aim to increase physical activity in all segments of the American population. The Plan is the product of a private-public sector collaborative. Hundreds of organizations are working together to change our communities in ways…

  • Why do I get sick after a race?

    Why do I get sick after a race?

    Last year I wrote a blog post, Why do I get a cold after a race? In that post I wrote about the ways that runners can pick up germs at a race. My post was based on my observations of what runners do at races and during races. There are many ways that runners exchange germs at races…

  • Being Flexible

    Being Flexible

    Being flexible was the theme of BAA’s recent Clinic Many runners sustain injuries while training for a marathon, especially their first marathon. At the Boston Athletic Association’s recent Runner’s Clinic they discussed the importance of being flexible with your training plan and your race goal. It’s not always an injury that forces us to be…