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Author: OmniRunner

  • Live, from Watertown…

    This morning we woke to the news that an MBTA police officer has been shot and an MIT Officer has been killed. Boston and surrounding cities are basically locked down. One suspect has been killed and the second appears to be held up in a building in a residential area of Watertown, MA. I hope…

  • Our City is STRONG

    A message from Marathon Sports: OUR CITY IS STRONG This took too long to write, and in part it’s because there really are no words to describe how we all feel right now. On this surreal Tuesday, in the immediate wake of this incredible, tragic, senseless act of violence that took place quite literally at our doorstep,…

  • A Heartfelt Thank You to All

    I want to thank everyone who reached out through the various media to check on me yesterday. I was deeply touched by your concern. I am okay, and on vacation in Florida. This blog post should go to LinkedIn and Facebook also. I still have not heard from all of the runners that I know…

  • What can words say…

    At this point I do not know how many were killed or injured in Boston, or why. I hesitate to put name to the act that tarnished a noble and pure act of humanity. I have been away from all news sources all day. About quarter past three I received a text that a bomb…

  • Good morning Boston Runners!

    I bet you didn’t sleep for shit last night, did you? It’s okay, you don’t need to be fully conscious yet, just get moving. Get your pre-race routine in motion so you don’t fall behind schedule and have a panic attack. Breathe. Remember – Don’t eat or drink anything new before the race. Stop drinking…

  • Boston and the Joy of Running

    I’ve been having conversations with some fellow bloggers from the UK over the past few days. Some are running London on April 21st and others want to run next year. Those who are running are having the same anxiety attacks as many Boston runners are having this morning. Even the elite runners get butter flies before a…