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BAA 10K Registration
Registration for the BAA 10K is still open
In 2013 this race was the first BAA event since the marathon and many people wanted to come out and show their support and stick a finger in someone’s eye.
The 2014 race also sold out but not as quickly. Some of the fervor had waned and I think many of the people who came out in 2013 to show Boston Strong made their statement. That so many showed that day who may not have shown any other time is a source of strength and pride for all Bostonians.
It has now been over two years and many people have moved on. The healing continues and some of the heaviness has lifted.

The BAA 10K is an expensive race and many people run a race once. I started running this race in 2011, the inaugural year. This is the only race that I have run each year since it began. I am a streaker.
2,600 runners registered for this race as part of the BAA Distance Medley. The BAA web site does not say how many people are registered currently. But, over a quarter of the bibs were spoken for before registration even opened last week.
If you plan on running the 2015 BAA 10K I would advise you to get out your credit card and register today. I’m really surprised that the race isn’t sold out already.
BAA 10 Support
The BAA is sponsoring a series of 10K Clinics at the new Boston Marathon adidas RunBase on Boylston Street. The clinics are free to all registered runners, registration for the clinics is limited to 70 people each.
BAA High Performance Coach Terrence Mahon has also prepared 10K training programs for beginners, intermediate and advanced runners. If you are running your first 10K or looking to step up your game, Terrence Mahon will help you get there.
Run well my friends,