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Category: Home and Family

  • The Long Weekend

    The Long Weekend

    The long weekend begins! My company was kind enough to give us Thursday and Friday off for the 4th of July holiday. As usual I have a million things I want to get done, and that is absolutely impossible. One of the items on my “to do list” this weekend is to re-organize the folders…

  • Weekends are for what?

    Weekends always go by so quickly. All week while at work we dream about sleeping late, having a barbecue, mowing the lawn, and even drinking a few cold ones with friends. For athletes we dream about getting in that long run or ride. Which route should I take this weekend? How far should I run…

  • The Graduate

    Last night my youngest daughter graduated from high school. She is incredibly smart so we never worried about her graduation. To hear some families woop it up when their kids received their diploma made me wonder a few times if this was a huge accomplishment. One that may have been in doubt, or that was novel…

  • AIDS Walk Boston & 5K Run

    AIDS Walk Boston 5K Run is Sunday I have signed up to participate in this event to help raise money for HIV/AIDS awareness, education, treatment and research. While many of us do not know someone personally with HIV/AIDS it is still important to keep research towards a cure moving forward. The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and…

  • Memorial Day 2014

    Memorial Day Weekend I’ve been totally out straight for weeks now. If I’m not doing something, I’m thinking and planning. It’s great, highly engaging and makes life interesting. But I would like to kick the shifta into neutral for a day, maybe a few hours? Memorial Day is the traditional kick off weekend for the…

  • Boston Meetup

    Boston MeetUp Wednesday evening I attended Manufacturing 101: Making Your Product. For Real! There were about forty entrepreneurs in attendance at The Grommet in Somerville. The Grommet Mission Statement: We launch undiscovered products and help them succeed; we call them Grommets. Grommets aren’t just things. Grommets are products with a purpose invented by people with stories. Buy…, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0