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Category: Nutrition
Summer Running Advice
Summer Running Season is finally here. We endure freezing cold winters and soggy springs to get to this beautiful weather. Ideal running conditions are temps in the 50’s, low humidity and maybe overcast skis and a light breeze. Sometimes we get perfection, but usually we do not. Running takes up a lot of our spare…
Home Brewing
Home Brewing Time! I started this project the Saturday before the Boston Marathon. Everyone was out of the house that day so I took my opportunity to boil a batch of wort. No one in my house likes the smell of hops and malt. It took a little over a day before the yeast became…
Last Long Run
This past Sunday the Melrose Running Club had their last long run of the season. The long route was 12.5 miles and the short route was 7.1 miles. The long route took us over the Fellsway Hills twice! On the way out I charged up the hill and practiced running on my forefoot. There were four…
Breakfast of champions
Glucose and the Endurance athlete
Glucose and the Endurance Athlete Glucose is a simple sugar or monosaccharide that is an extremely important form of energy for your body. All other carbohydrates and forms of sugar must be broken down into glucose before your muscles and brain can use them. Muscles and other tissues can use fat and protein as an…
Health on sale
Turmeric Curcumin A few years ago while working through a running injury a friend told me about turmeric. My injury involved inflammation and they told me that turmeric had anti-inflammatory properties. I had been dealing with my injury with ibuprofen, ice and compression. It’s not good to take the maximum daily dose of ibuprofen for…