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Category: Rants, pontifications and general mayhem

  • Memorial Day 2014

    Memorial Day Weekend I’ve been totally out straight for weeks now. If I’m not doing something, I’m thinking and planning. It’s great, highly engaging and makes life interesting. But I would like to kick the shifta into neutral for a day, maybe a few hours? Memorial Day is the traditional kick off weekend for the…

  • Boston Meetup

    Boston MeetUp Wednesday evening I attended Manufacturing 101: Making Your Product. For Real! There were about forty entrepreneurs in attendance at The Grommet in Somerville. The Grommet Mission Statement: We launch undiscovered products and help them succeed; we call them Grommets. Grommets aren’t just things. Grommets are products with a purpose invented by people with stories. Buy…

  • What does it mean to be a runner?

    I ran the Beyond the Rainbow 5K on Sunday up in New Market, New Hampshire. Usually I run the Great Bay Half Marathon at this event each year. You know why I opted for the 5K this year, so I wont go into that again. At the 2.5 mile mark the Half Marathon runners went…

  • Young at Heart

    Daily Prompt: Young At Heart What are your thoughts on aging? How will you stay young at heart as you get older? Age is a one way passage. In our memories and fantasies we can go back to another time in our lives, or in history. But we can never truly stop, or go back in…

  • Rhapsody in Blue on The Charles

    As I drove home Friday evening I scanned the wireless for engaging melodies. As I tuned past people yelling, singing? People blathering on about something or other, ads, and other electronic effluence my wireless pulled in a local signal. One that I normally pass on by. But this time my ears picked up on a familiar…

  • Spam, spam, spam spam…

    Over the past week or so I’ve been collecting these gems of comments from other blogs. They are so unrelated to the blog post and/or the English is so bad that they have to be spam. Either that or people are blogging drunk. Some bloggers have actually replied to some of these. Here are a few…, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0