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Category: Races
Thanksgiving Races 2019
Thanksgiving races are fun for the whole family. Thanksgiving is when many people come home from college or from out-of-state to be with their family for the holiday. Christmas is about creating a special time at home for the kids. Thanksgiving is about coming home to spend time with family and eat Mom’s great cooking!…
15th Annual Wilmington Half Marathon
15th Annual Wilmington Half Marathon recap with link to full results. September 29th, 2019.
2019 Malden Irish American Road Race
2019 Malden Irish American Road Race with 10K race recap.
Running The 2019 BAA 10K
Over 7,000 runners showed up June 23rd to run the 2019 BAA 10K. It was a great day for running with temperatures in the 70s and moderate humidity. A light breeze for most of the race was an added bonus. This was the ninth running of the BAA 10K and I haven’t missed one yet.…
Melrose Fire Fighters Father’s Day 5K 2019
Melrose Fire Fighters Father’s Day 5K was another fun family event, and we even out ran the rain!
What’s The Best Racing Strategy?
What’s The Best Racing Strategy? Whether you want to beat your own records or win a race, you will have to establish a racing strategy in order to perform well. There are three main racing strategies in long-distance running, and each one can work. Regardless of the distance of the race, I see people go…