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Category: Training
Road to Boston 2023 1st Taper Run
In the last few weeks before the Boston Marathon, Taper Time begins!
Road to Boston 2023 – SLR 13
The training is getting real with our longest run of the season, a 22 mile run through Malden, Saugus, Wakefield and Melrose.
Road to Boston 2023 – Mixing it Up
Much like life, marathon training doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can.
Road to Boston FLR 10
When training for a marathon, sometimes you have to do some crazy stuff. Like run 20 miles by your self!
Achieving Clarity Through Pain
Achieving clarity in our daily lives is often difficult. I don’t mean perfect understanding of something. I mean clearing your mind completely. When was the last time you were totally focused? When was the last time your mind was focused on just one thing, or nothing, without your mind ping-ponging from one thought to the…
Road to Boston SLR 11
I woke up on time, but the world had moved on to Standard Time. And I was running late!