, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

LOCO announces 2014 Jacket

LOCO Mike sent out a message on Tuesday confirming that The Half at the Hamptonsย IS ON this year. Mother Nature is smiling on us this time around.

I’ve includedย  the link here in case you need directions. Since we’ve had a lot of snow, parking may be a challenge so you should plan to arrive early.

It may still me cold and windy, but there shouldn’t be any rip tides on Ocean Blvd. this year! Registration for The Half is closed now, no race day registration. Yesterday someone asked me if I knew of an available number. If you have one please let me know.

Like many of you, I signed up for The Will Run For Beer Series this year. I always run at least five of these races and $5 extra to get a running jacket is well worth it. In keeping with recent tradition, here is the new look:

smuttynose, loco running

will run for beer; race series; loco running

I’m not a fan of neon colors, but the blue accents make this jacket look pretty sharp. This is an artists rendering so the jacket they hand you may look slightly different.

A few years ago the jacket was white and made of a stiffer material. I think it was probably more waterproof and windproof than the 2013 jacket. In comparison to the 2014 jacket, the other two look a little boring.

What do you think of these new colors? Do you like the “new” neon colors? Are they just a trend or are they here to stay?ย Will we all look back in a few years and wonder what the hell were we thinking?

When I was a kid all fire trucks were red. People thought that was the best color to enable people to see them at a distance. Then sometime in the 80’s these neon trucks began showing up. The paint was not only bright, but also reflective. This really made a fire truck show up at a distance. As if lights and 150db sirens were not sufficient.

Runner Safety

We are all concerned with safety. No one wants to die while out for a run or while participating in a race. Running may save your life, but it’s not worth dying over. I wear a head lamp and have one of those LL Bean hats with the built-in LED lights.

We have to be aware of our surroundings and take appropriate precautions based on the conditions and our location. Lights and reflective gear are the smart choice in low light or low visibility conditions. Wearing these types of items is no different than wearing a jacket when it’s cold or sun screen in the sun. It’s the smart thing to do. We all want to live to run another day. Cyclists aren’t the only ones who get to wear outlandish looking clothes!

Run well my friends!

Andy, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0





One response to “LOCO announces 2014 Jacket”

  1. Timothy Avatar

    I am not that keen on neon colors. I don’t like when people stare at me. As far as visibility goes, if the seams are made of reflective material you should be alright. I don’t think the neon colors improve visibility that much.