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Runners High
This weekend I ran on both Saturday and Sunday. I did the Marathon Sports Saturday group run and the MRC Sunday Long Run.
Runners High
Saturday we ran 5.6 miles with a group of 10 runners, including Jon Barachowitz of Marathon Sports in Melrose. We ran up hill to the Mt. Hood Golf Course and hit many of the hills there. It’s Melrose, that’s what we do.
My knee was acting up so I tended to gravitate to the back of the pack. My buddy Don Keren hung back with me for most of the run. Even with all of the uphill the group managed to keep a pretty lively conversation going.
The friendly banter is part of what makes a group run so much fun. Instead of dealing with the noggin committee you get to talk to real people. Runners always have so much to talk about and always seem to have a few good laughs to share.
It makes the miles tick away quickly and before you know it you’re reaching for your watch. Having the miles slip by is nice.
Social engagement and getting to know people is a healthy activity. Probably as good for you as the running is. As you get to know runners better the openness and candor grow.
All of us have personal issues ranging from children to work to deaths in the family or of pets. Sometimes just saying something out loud to another person is enough to feel better. Listening is a priceless gift.
My runners high
After Saturday’s run I felt that state of euphoria. As I drove home I felt very content and satisfied. I hadn’t done anything special, it was just a run. Somehowย my body and mind were tuned in perfectly to receive the gift of the run.
A great thing about the runners high is that there is no crash. Unlike too much coffee or sugar there isn’t a descent into lethargy. The feeling simply fades away, back to where it came from, and the day continues.
Sunday Long Run Week Three
This Sunday was a drop-back week. We ran 12.1 miles last week on a hilly course. This week we ran 11 miles on the Lake Quannapowitt loop. It was mostly flat with a long, slow hill up Main Street into Wakefield.
With the storm in the area we were expecting more wind off of the lake. Much to our delight the wind was mostly non-existent. It was a sunny day and an enjoyable run.
I ran mostly with Don Keren and Brian Sarro. After running on Saturday I really didn’t have much juice. Brian slowed down and ran with me and Don was ahead for most of the run.
It’s been many months since I’ve run two days in a row. Even Saturday’s 5.6 miles is a bit of a long run for me in my state of fitness.
I treated my knee Saturday and it was in pretty good shape for the Sunday Run. It was a little stiff but wasn’t too bad until the last two miles or so.
Winter Running
Sunday was a classic winter run. There was slush and often berms of snow to hurdleย on the sides of the road. The mostly cleared sidewalks often had a few inches of partially packed snow. We stayed on the side of the road for the most part since the packed snow made it difficult to run on the sidewalks.
When I woke up Sunday it was 17ยฐ F. I wore three layers, top and bottom and a tech hat. For my hands I wore Craft mittens. My Saucony mittens from last yearย were wind proof and did not need much insulation to keep my hands warm. Unfortunately, after one season the seams were all pulled out and they are mostly useless now.
The Craft mittens seem to be better designed and constructed. The top of the hand area has a nice thick layer of insulation and they seem to be wind proof. My hands were sweating the first mile out!
On my feet I wore my “Darn Tough” socks and Brooks Adrenaline ASR 10 GTX shoes. The “Darn Tough” socks have shrunk a little and are tight on my ankles but still keep my toes warm.
The Adrenaline ASR 10 GTXย shoes were perfect for this run. I had great traction for the most part.
Best of all, my feet stayed dry! Many times I felt one foot kick up slush that landed on my other foot. Time after time my feet stayed dry. The Gortexยฎ liner didn’t let any dampness through.
Did you have a Sunday long run this week? Did ย you have to deal with the storm? What is your best winter running tip?
Run well my friends!
ยฉ 2016 andrew nagelin
4 responses to “Runners High”
It will never cease to amaze me how often you run Andy. You’re an animal.
Thanks. It’s still a pretty quiet schedule. As you know, it takes a lot of work to get into shape.
Sounds like you had lots of fun. I gotta get another pair of running mittens, the gloves just do not cut it under 30*F, I get cold hands easily from too many years of being outside in the winters and not having enough protection. I had a pair of the Saucony mittens last year and they seemed to be lasting only that one season before I lost them. Will be interested to hear more about the Craft and what you think of them.
I bought a $5 pair of gloves at Ocean State Odd Lots a week ago. Made of Thinsulate (?) by 3M. They work as well as the $35 Craft mittens. The cheapo gloves may not last, but for $5 I can afford several pair and not worry about loosing one!