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Running and Chewing Gum
These days, most of us are multi-taskers. But can you run and chew gum at the same time?
It seems the only way to keep up with the never-ending demands on our time is to multi task. It may be as simple as putting in a wash and then cooking supper. While cleaning the kitchen as I wait for the food to cook. With the BBC News playing in the background, getting me up to date with the world.
These tasks are more of process and time management. Chewing gum and walking is the proverbial physical coordination test.
Running and Chewing Gum
Doing two physical tasks at the same time can be challenging.
Try rubbing your belly while patting the top of your head. Now do it faster. Now rub you belly in the opposite direction! Now switch hands!
Chewing gum and doing most anything else is much less taxing than this exercise. Chewing gum is done pretty much unconsciously.
Because it is so effortless is why people joke that you can’t do anything else and chew gum. It’s a very low bar!
Often while I run, my mouth will get dry. Sometimes my throat gets horse and it’s difficult to get words out. Even drinking water doesn’t relieve these issues for me.
This Sunday I had a pack of gum in my car. I decided to have a piece before the Sunday Long Run to knock back my coffee breath. Then I forgot I had it in my mouth and started running.
During the entire eight mile run I barely noticed that I had gum in my mouth except at water stops. Then I had to avoid swallowing it with a cup of water.
As I drove home I realized I had run the entire eight miles, about 70 minutes chewing gum. “I guess I can walk or run while chewing gum” I said to myself with a chuckle.
It’s really not that big of a deal.
Most runners don’t run with gum. Many worry they will swallow it or inhale it. It can also get in the way when you take a gel or other food and beverage.
I’ve run a few races with gum and one of my running buddies does it often.
Because I had gum in my mouth, my mouth never dried out and my throat felt fine for the entire run. I was even able to carry on a conversation with the two people I was running with.
Without the gum my mouth and throat would have been too dry to talk after a few miles.
Sunday Long Run Week Ten
This week the Sunday Long Run was sixteen miles. The long run ran out Main Street from Brueggers in Melrose, looped Lake Q and headed down Nahant Street to Breakheart Reservation for a hilly loop of the park.
I didn’t run last Sunday because of an odd hip pain. I only ran a 2.5 mile test run up to the bank and back on Thursday to see what was going on. Oddly enough, my left knee acted up on that run but my hip was fine. After a mile I could have done 10K.
I’m beginning the 10-week road to Philadelphia right now, so I decided to play it safe and run eight miles.
This early on I don’t need big miles and I need to make sure I’m okay. It’s better to deal with an injury early in the plan than later, but you do have to deal with it.
I ran with Aine and David Lunney this week. Two relatively new club members. David is training for his first half marathon, the Newburyport Half Marathon on October 20th.
Since I could talk this week, we were able to have a good conversation about running. I’ve been running since 2003 so I can answer most questions and have plenty of advice. I also tried to keep quiet and let them talk!
Running and chewing gum worked well for me this week. Hopefully I didn’t talk Aine and David’s ears off!
Do you run with gum? Besides water, do you have other ways to keep your mouth and throat from drying out?
Run well my Friends!
One response to “Running and Chewing Gum”
Hi Andy, this is an interesting post! I never thought of running and chewing gum at the same time.
I started a blog recently to talk about my journey in running. If you are interested, to check out my first post.