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Tag: boston marathon 2013

  • A Heartfelt Thank You to All

    I want to thank everyone who reached out through the various media to check on me yesterday. I was deeply touched by your concern. I am okay, and on vacation in Florida. This blog post should go to LinkedIn and Facebook also. I still have not heard from all of the runners that I know…

  • Good morning Boston Runners!

    I bet you didn’t sleep for shit last night, did you? It’s okay, you don’t need to be fully conscious yet, just get moving. Get your pre-race routine in motion so you don’t fall behind schedule and have a panic attack. Breathe. Remember – Don’t eat or drink anything new before the race. Stop drinking…

  • Marathon Fever Strikes Greater Boston Area!

    With just days to go until the 117th running of the Boston Marathon there is a certain excitement in the air around Boston. Every runner I know is talking about the race, their past experiences with it or their anticipation of this year’s run. Marathon Fever is here! At this time last year we were…