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Tag: recovery

  • Body Helix Compression Wraps Review

    Body Helix Compression Wraps Review

    I received a complimentary Body Helix Compression Full Knee sleeve in exchange for writing this review. Body Helix makes a full line of compression products for just about any part of the body that may experience inflammation from a sports injury or arthritis. Applying compression for shoulder or piriformis pain can be a challenge. Body Helix…

  • Surviving a Long Run

    Surviving a long run can be a challenge During the run Most runners can run a 5K or 10K training run without any problems. Most of us don’t even need Gatorade or gel to get through these runs. Once you get beyond your routine running distances and into the “long runs”, lots of things can go wrong. During a short run you…

  • Tuesday Night Club Run

    Club Run It has now been two days since my 18.84 mile SLR. I think the Tumeric – Elixir of Life, SuperJuice*, has been helping with marathon training recovery. I have not run more than a half marathon since October. Two weeks ago I ran a Half and Sunday I went up to 18.84 miles.…

  • Boston Marathon Training 2014

    Thursday night I finally sat down and updated my Boston Marathon Training work sheet. I was doing okay with the training ramp up until my treadmill/knee incident on January 19th. My goal miles for January were 122.3 but I only managed 81.09. A lot of those miles were on the treadmill so I could avoid…

  • Time on my hands

    Instead of time on my feet, I now have time on my hands Due to my knee issue, I’ve been advised not to run for the next 7-10 days. I’ve managed to catch up on all of my DVR’d Colbert Report shows and we are making a dent in the backlog of John Stewart’s The…

  • A Higher level of Civility

    As I drove into work this morning I noticed that my jaw was not clenched as it has been for the past week. There was actually space between my teeth. I noticed that I had fewer of those spontaneous deep breaths that seem to draw something out from deep inside. I still feel like I have…