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Tag: recycling

  • How to Recycle Anything

    I found this article on and wanted to share it I get updates from every day and they usually have one or two articles that I enjoy reading. This 2013 article was written by Sophia Breene, who is a regular contributor to the site. I recycle, re-use or up-cycle probably 90% of the…

  • Fit Planet

    The 2014 New Bedford Half Marathon took the FitPlanet Pledge of Sustainability. What is that you may ask? It is a pledge to run their race in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. A group called Athletes For a Fit Planet have put together a program to help race organizers achieve this goal. Eco-Practices for…

  • Runners Turning Green

    The Twin Lights Half Marathon In Gloucester had runners turning green, with the help of EcoMovement. EcoMovement is a Portsmouth, NH based business that provides recycling, composting and trash services to businesses, schools and homes in the Greater Seacoast area of New Hampshire. At Twin Lights, Rian Bedard of EcoMovement was there to help runners…