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Tag: running
Weekend in Review: Now That’s Living!
What a weekend Friday night we watched the opening of the London 2012 Olympics. I don’t care what the critics say, it was smashing, bloody awesome and truly brilliant! We were entertained, moved and laughed out loud so many times. It was such an engaging production on so many levels. The music was so evocative,…
Recovery and PT
Happy Friday everyone! In many areas of the US the heat wave continues. Here in New England the heat has broken and the weekend should be comfortable and great for running. Recovery and PT begins I had my first appointment with the physical therapist on Monday. She gave me a series of stretches to do…
Recovery and Pontifications
My journey as an injured runner continues Except for the BAA 10K last Sunday I have not run at all this week. Every time I drive somewhere and see runners, the urge to jump out of the car and run with them is overwhelming. I feel like my entire routine is out of whack and…
BAA 10K 2012
BAA 10K race recap On Sunday I ran the 2nd Annual BAA 10K in Boston. It was another blazing hot day much like The Boston Marathon but with higher humidity. The race started on Charles Street which is between the Boston Common and the Public Garden. It’s really a great location with plenty of room…
Friday post
I don’t have any recent races to write about and I’ve been sick all week so my training program is totally shot. Yesterday I wrote a piece that was about life and changes and not so much about running. So I didn’t think that quit fit in with the theme I’m going for with this…
Running Safety and Etiquette
Running Safety and Etiquette Anyone who has been a runner for a while has probably run in the road at one time or another. Often runners encounter other runners, cyclist, dog walkers and cars and trucks. Even if you run on a trail or the side-walk you may have encountered all of these fellow travelers.…