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Virtual 5K Races 2020
Have you ever run a virtual 5K race before?
Until April 20th of 2020, I’d never run virtual 5K races or any other type of virtual races. Running a “race” by myself just seems like a training run to me.
On training runs, I never run as hard as I do during a race. And the virtual 5k races I’ve run have felt like training runs.
Virtual races allow us to have some fun. Maybe provide the motivation we need to go for a run and our race fees are helping local organizations who really need our support right now.
Virtual 5K Races
It seems like virtual 5K races are everywhere this year but mainly in your in-box.
If you are like me you get emails for virtual races almost every day.
And like me, you’ve probably gotten way too many emails from races you signed up for, informing you that they are going virtual.
My running club, Melrose Running Club, held two virtual races the weekend the Boston Marathon was supposed to take place.
We had the “Keep Your Distance 5K” and the “Virtual-ly Insane Half Marathon” on the weekend of April 20th. Everyone had a good time with it.
We ran the Cinco De Mayo QuaranTeam Virtual challenge on May 5th and will be running the Stepping Stones for Stella 5K and 10K the weekend of June 21st.
The way things are going we will probably be going virtual for the rest of the year.
Can you imagine crowding into a corral before a race?
How about running down the street behind and betwixt hundreds of other runners? All breathing deeply and exhaling forcefully?
There’s a lot of sweat, snot and spit flying during a race. That’s on top of being in everyone else’s space and breathing their air.
Finding Virtual 5K races 2020
As I mentioned above, you probably have more emails than you want announcing new virtual 5K races, 10K and even half marathons.
I’m running two virtual half marathons. God help me!
So between your in-box and the web site of your local race management or timing company, you can probably find more virtual races than you’d care to.
Since you can run a virtual race anywhere and you don’t have to go anywhere, pick a race that supports a cause dear to your heart. Perhaps one that raises funds to thank and support our healthcare providers and first responders.
A few Virtual 5Ks to choose from
Miles 4 My Community – May 23rd. This is a nation-wide effort to raise money to support local youth sports programs and other local organizations impacted by COVID-19. You can run a 5K, 10K, half or full marathon for a $20 donation. Larger amounts will be accepted.
Registration includes a virtual bib and for $10 each you can order a shirt and a medal.
You track your results with your GPS watch or an app. They are not exactly clear on how to submit your results. That information may be in the registration confirmation email.
Sign up using code ‘maskon’ and you’ll receive a custom printed running gaiter with your registration!
Margarita 5K – June 14th. This race was scheduled to take place in Portsmouth, NH but now it can take place in your neighborhood.
For this race they will mail your shirt, bib and medal. So you can run around your neighborhood in the race shirt, with a bib. When you get home you can mix your own margarita and show off your medal.
The 5K is $39. There is also the Margarita Half for $79. Swag for the half includes a nice quarter zip fleece.
2020 Boston Run Fest Virtual – June 19-21 Registration is free and you can run a 5K, 10K or half-marathon.
Boston Road Runners is a local non-profit to inspire youth to run. Our vision is to create a community of runners to support one another while giving back. The Boston Run Fest will benefit the youth to support their runs through youth runs, youth running programs, and create a safe space for youth to gain confidence.
The run is open and free we encourage everyone to make a donation to support our non-profit.
Stepping Stones for Stella – June 21st. This race is free with a donation appreciated to support their work. Click the image below for details.

Smuttynose 5K – June 21st. This race is still scheduled to happen at the Smuttynose Brewery in Hampton, NH. Loco Running does have a COVID 19 notice on the race web page stating that they may have to go virtual.
You will still get a shirt, bib and medal but no beer or BBQ.
I think it’s a safe bet that this will be a virtual race.
Of course you can make up your own virtual 5K race and make a donation to a local food pantry.
Run well my Friends and stay healthy!
2 responses to “Virtual 5K Races 2020”
You read my mind! Thanks for this.
Thanks Sharon!