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Check out my most recent posts

  • Running the 2023 BAA 10K

    Running the 2023 BAA 10K

    Another hot BAA 10K for 2023. It was nice to see so many people and run with friends.

  • Friday Night Home Run

    A hot and humid four miles around the neighborhood. Didn’t really want to go but I knew it would make me feel better and it did. It’s amazing how once you get out the door everything changes. Now I’m a hot sweaty mess and I think it’s time for a cold beer and a dip…

  • Omni Running now protected by SSL

    Upping my game by adding another layer of security.

  • Samantha’s Harvest 5K 2023

    Samantha’s Harvest 5K 2023

    A fun, local 5K on a beautiful summer morning.

  • Gold Star Run for Honor 2023

    Gold Star Run for Honor 2023

    The Gold Star Run for Honor is always a popular race with the Melrose Running Club. Not only do we show up, but we usually do pretty well with our results.

  • Tuesday Night Home Run

    Still in post marathon recovery mode. I got home late from work and couldn’t make the club run, so I did a Tuesday night home run around the neighborhood. Setting my sights on an October marathon, possibly in New Jersey. So I need to try and keep myself in marathon shape over the summer. Who…