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Bloggers convention in Boston
Who’s running the Boston Marathon this year?
Since this is a running blog, I assume most of you are runners. I bet some of you are running Boston this year.
This seems like a great opportunity for some of us to meet in person at The Boston Marathon Expo and have a bloggers convention! Race day we will be split
- No broken links!
up by our start times. It won’t be like the old days when we took the earliest bus we could to Hopkinton and hung out for hours.
I am taking Friday April 18th off. If any of you are interested, I’d love to meet you at the Expo. If this is your first Boston Marathon I’d be happy to show you around a bit and answer questions. The Expo is a lot of fun and they always have freebies.
Even after two years I still feel like a newbie blogger and would love to talk with other bloggers and find out about your experiences.

Run well my friends, and see you in Boston!
6 responses to “Bloggers convention in Boston”
That sounds so cool — wish I was fast enough to qualify for Boston and I’d join you. Best of luck in the race and with your blogger’s convention!.
You can always try for a charity number. It requires a lot of fund raising but thousands of people do it each year.
That’s how I get my numbers. I’m working on qualifying, but I’m not there yet.
Andy, I had planned to come up and do a little book tour with “Twenty-four Years to Boston,” but well, life is taking me on an unexpected journey. Nevertheless, this looks like a reason to at least travel up for the day. I’d love to finally meet you, press the flesh, perhaps a stout. I’ll try to clear a day or two in my schedule and make it. If not, have a ball and run well, my friend.
Are you planning on doing a book signing at a local book store or running store?
Best of luck at Boston! That’s so cool!
Thanks! It would be so much fun to hang out with other running bloggers. I think we could learn a lot from each other.