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Category: In the news

  • BAA Baggage policy update

    At the recent Boston Marathon Training Clinic, Executive Director Thomas Grilk mentioned the new bag policy for 2014. He said that “there will be no bags going into Hopkinton this year”. I was shocked by this statement and what it meant. I wrote to Marc Davis, the BAA’s Communications Manager, for clarification. Marc said that…

  • BAA announcement

    The BAA held the first of three “Runners Clinics” Monday night in Boston. This was the first time I’ve attended a BAA clinic. Getting into and navigating Boston is too much of a hassle. With my knee injury I hoped to get some expert advice. In the back of my mind I’m still thinking bad things.…

  • Oscar Pistorius

    Oscar Pistorius Shooting I saw on the news this morning that there had been a shooting at Oscar Pistorius’ home in South Africa. Sadly it looks as if Oscar shot and killed his girl friend Reeva Steenkamp. The details are few at this point but speculation is rampant. I’ll reserve judgment until some facts are known.…

  • Today we remember

    Often before I get into the shower I will pop open the window to help vent the room without using the ceiling vent. This morning as I stepped out of the shower I heard the sound of a commercial airliner at a low altitude over the house. As I glanced out of the window I…

  • Omni Runs August 24, 2012

    Omni Runs Friday recap So far this week I’ve managed to run 18.5 miles out of a goal of 24 miles. I’ll probably do 3-4 miles at lunch today and then run a few more miles on Saturday. I’ll be breaking the 10% rule again but these last few runs have been (or will be)…

  • Jolly Good Show London!

    19 days of excitement, joy, pride and sleep deprivation is finally over! We taped The Closing Ceremonies and I tried to stay awake until the end, but had to go to sleep shortly after The Olympic Flame was extinguished. As the flame died out, cauldron by cauldron, I could feel a lump in my throat…, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0