, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Omni Runs Friday

The week in Running

Training for Baystate is coming along pretty good. My knee still bothers me sometimes, but the more I run the better it gets.ย My icingย and stretching routineย seems to be working.

When I trained for Boston this year, my total miles were 318.4. As of this week my miles for Baystate are 308.07, and I have three weeks to go.


If I can survive the 22 mile Sunday Long Run this weekend, and not do anything stupid over the next few weeks, I should be okay.

I have been diligent with my gym work outs andย I can feel the difference. I can drive up hills and my endurance has improved a lot.

The key to Baystateย is not going out to fast. I thought about that Thursday on my run. My target paceย is 8:00 for a 3:30 finish. If Iย startย with the 9:00 minute pace group I canย warm upย during the first mile or two and see how things feel.

I have my walking and hydration planned out. I know what I want to eat and I have running clothes for any conditions. If everything goes my way, I think I have a shot at a 3:30 finish.

The 1,000 Mile Club

My goal for 2014 was to run 1,000 miles. I am currently at 778.52 withย 93 runs. I have three goals,planningmore weeks of marathon training and each of those weeks will have me running more than 25 miles.

After Baystate, I will have two months to run about 150 miles. I’ll definitely have to work at it, but I know I can achieve this running goal.

50 5Ks at 50 Project

As I mentioned last week, my new goal is to run 50 5Ks before I turn 51. I have one down and Saturday I am running the 8th Annual Granara-Skerry 5K in Medford. On-line registration is closed but they do have race day registration for $30.00.

running,5k race

Only 48 more 5Ks. My hash tag is #505Ksat50. I’ll tweet my results on Saturday. You are following me on Twitter, right?

Run well my friends!

Andy, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0



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