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Tag: #marathontraining #summerrunning

  • Tuesday Night Looong Run

    Tonight was pretty much the opposite of Sunday. Sunday was supposed to be a long run, but it just didn’t work out. Tonight I felt tired and not very motivated, but the run got better with each mile. Four miles into the run I said out loud to my running buddy that I felt better…

  • Friday night pre rain run

    The run before the rain Imagine that, it’s Friday night in New England and rain is on the way! I haven’t been doing much running lately so I figured I better take advantage of the time before the rain gets here to get in a few sorely needed miles. I’ve been looking at fall marathons…

  • Friday Night Home Run

    A hot and humid four miles around the neighborhood. Didn’t really want to go but I knew it would make me feel better and it did. It’s amazing how once you get out the door everything changes. Now I’m a hot sweaty mess and I think it’s time for a cold beer and a dip…