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Tag: running
Half at The Hamptons Storm Team Blizzard Watch!
Half at the Hamptons Weather Update Just trying to keep up with the sensationalism of the local TV stations! We are on track to have our third significant snow storm in three weekends. Unfortunately this weekend we have The Half at The Hamptons in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. This will be the third year in a…
Fool in the Rain
Last night I went out for a run with my running club, in the rain. Probably not the smartest thing to do since I’m still fighting a cold. Just a Fool in the Rain I ran 3.1 miles in the treadmill yesterday because I was not sure that I was going to go and run…
Oscar Pistorius
Oscar Pistorius Shooting I saw on the news this morning that there had been a shooting at Oscar Pistorius’ home in South Africa. Sadly it looks as if Oscar shot and killed his girl friend Reeva Steenkamp. The details are few at this point but speculation is rampant. I’ll reserve judgment until some facts are known.…
Sunday Long Run
The Sunday Long Run This week our Sunday Long Run was supposed to be 16.5 miles. But after getting over two feet of snow we had to change our route. Even with plowing and 24 hours to recover, most roads were still covered with packed snow and are generally a mess. To avoid traffic on major…
Nemo Geddon
Here in the Northeast we are hunkered down waiting for “NEMO” to come and get us. Does anyone else think it is ridiculous to name a snow storm? The local TV stations are all worked up in a tizzy over NEMO. The Governor has declared a “State of Emergency” and no cars can be on the…
Sunday Long Run and my new App
Sunday Long Run and my New App! As many of you know I have been having on-going problems with my Garmin 410 watch. It froze up before the Derry 16 Miler last weekend, just like it did last year at Great Bay. Now it looks completely dead and the wrist strap is broken. It’s out…