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The Big 5-0
Today I hit the big 5-0
Every time I say that, I hear the opening riffs to the original Hawaii 5-0 show. I think that may be my un-official theme song for the next 365 days. I’ll have to buy a Hawaiian shirt or something.
Anyone sell tech shirts or singlets in that design?
This little gem showed up in the mail Wednesday
My New Year’s resolution was to run 1,000 miles in 2014. As of Tuesday night I was at 637 miles. This leaves me with 363 miles to complete over the next 16 weeks. That is just under 22.7 miles per week.
I will be running 30+ miles per week over the next few weeks. That will get me a bit ahead of the curve and then I’ll just need to run my base miles for the rest of the year. Simple, right?
Turning 50 doesn’t bum me out
50 years is an achievement that not all of my friends have been able to accomplish. I feel fortunate.
At 50 I am healthier than I was at 40. At 40 I was probably healthier than I was at 30. If I can get to 60 without any major health crisis I will really feel fortunate.
At this point in my life, I am in a great place to leap forward into the second half of my life.
Many things have changed in the past few years, the biggest change has been me.
To celebrate turning 50
I am going to run 50 5Ks in the next 365 days. #505Ks@50. Not sure that will work as a hash tag or is SEO incompatible, but that’s the best I could come up with.
1,000 miles in a year is a challenge. I think 50 5Ks will also be a challenge and a lot of fun. There are tons of 5Ks around Boston and I’m sure I’ll have a weekend or two where I’ll try to run two or three 5Ks, just to keep things interesting.
- Any favorite 5Ks in the Boston area you can recommend over the next few months?
- Anyone else turning 50 in the near future and want to join me?
So many lines from Hawaii 5-0 that I could use to close with, but I’ll stick with:
Run well my friends!
ยฉ 2014 anagelin
16 responses to “The Big 5-0”
Happy BIrthday!
Thanks my friend!
Happy Birthday! 50 5Ks sounds like a great plan!
Thank you. Now I just need to start registering for races! ๐
Happy birthday!! I love that your goal is to run 50 5ks! I just did my 2nd (I’m more of a distance runner) and 5ks always get the best of me! They are so tough in different ways than marathons, I need to keep doing them though to get better at pacing myself! Good luck reaching your 1000 mile goal for the year!
Sara, Thank you.
I think I’m getting burned out on training for marathons. I’m working on my 3rd for the year. 5Ks are a completely different race. I’ll probably run some for PRs and some just for fun, and beer!
Happy Birthday! I remember when I thought 50 was old … that was a very long time ago now! ๐ My wife is 6 months older than me, and turning 49 soon … so I get to harass her for 6 months about being old!
I think that is a great running goal – to knock out 50 5ks in a year! Can’t wait to read about your progress.
And here’s to improving with age! ๐
Thank you. My wife is older also. No trauma over 5-0 though. I think we always think 15 years older than our current age is old! Heard that somewhere.
Running 5Ks will allow me to back off on marathons and probably have more fun. Marathons are just so much work! LOL
Congrats on joining an exclusive club! We almost old farts are lucky we get to join AARP, but are not old enough for the discounts hehehehe. Joining me in chasing the 5K after your next marathon, not a bad thing. Will be interested to see your progress and who knows maybe even chase you in a race one of these days ๐
Absolutely. Plenty of good 5Ks in your area.
I know, no discounts? A buddy of mine got his card yesterday also. We were both, WTF? Where did this come from? We started kindergarten together! We had the hot teacher. We were six or seven. What did we know about hot? LOL
hehehehe. You never know and we can say that at least we made it and are still out there having fun and smiling – probably more than we should.
Happy birthday man, here’s to another healthy fifty… Look at the bright side – you’re only half-way there!
Absolutely. I spent the first 20 years utterly clueless, and the past thirty only mildly clueless. By the time I’m 80 I should have things figured out. ๐
Happy birthday, great attitude. This is happening to me later this year…glad to see it’s not the end of the world!
Isn’t it amazing to look back at how you thought 5 or 10 years ago? Or what your priorities were 5-10 years ago?
I have 2 kids in college this year. Next year the oldest graduates. Big relief in responsibilities.
So far being older has been okay. I think that I look 50, act 15 and my brain is 80!
Another great thing about being 50 is that I think I can pull off looking 50. Expectations are much lower!
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
[…] days ago I turned 50. It wasn’t traumatic or anything like that. It is a milestone in life and something I […]