, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
boston's run to remember, first race

Base miles

Base miles are what we run betweenย races

I don’t have any marathons or half marathons on my schedule. But it’s always a good idea to have a long run in your base miles routine.

“Long Run” means different things to different people. If you are a new runner then four or five miles may be your long run. If youย run marathons, then a 10 mile run would be a good base miles long run.

I only have 5Ks on my schedule for the foreseeable future, so 10.44 miles was a great Sunday Long Run for me.

Beyond the rainbow 5k, base milesWhen I looked at the weather Saturday evening, Sunday looked like it was going to be cold. As such I wore my Under Armorย gear and Adidas running pants. The pants are wind proof and for such light material really do a great job of keeping me comfortable.

We passed several bank clocks which showed that temps were no higher than 33ยฐ. Fortunately we didn’t have any wind so 33ยฐ felt pretty good. Even around Lake Quannapowitt there was barely a breeze off of the water. It was really a nice run for such a cold day.

Most of us are still adjusting to theย cold temperatures. Two of the guys actually wore shorts today, and they said they felt comfortable, except at the water stops.

Base Miles

My base miles are generally in the 20-25 miles per week range. Iย usuallyย get these miles through our Tuesday Night Club Run (6.5 miles) and two lunch time runs. Getting in a good Sunday run takes the pressure off to run long at lunch.

When I first started running, I only trained if I had a number for Boston. I did this for about three years. Then I started running a little bit year round regardless of my Boston status. Now I run a few days a week 12 months of the year. Maintaining base miles year-round is crucial if you want to improve your running.

If you stop training completely in the cold weather you will lose most of your fitness in just a few months. Take six months off and you are basically starting all over again. Base miles make it easier to ramp up your training when you do have a big race on the calendar.

Base miles are very important.

1,000 mile quest

As of Sunday, November 16th, I have 913.76 running miles. With about six weeks to go, I only need to run 15 miles per week to hit my goal. I’m feeling pretty confident about hitting this goal.

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Blogs have what is called an RSS feed. If you subscribe to my email listย the RSS feed sends postsย directly to yourย  inbox.ย What you receiveย is basicallyย a news letter.ย In the newsletter, I am able to provide links to additional stories and information that youย will find interesting.

I subscribe to a bunch of running related news feeds (RSS feeds)ย and get interesting articles all the time. Instead of making a post with a bunch of links, I add the interesting links to the newsletter.

I appreciate everyone who follows me through Twitter, Facebook, and WordPress. In the newsletter, Iย provideย additional running relatedย information. I hate to use the word “newsletter” because that sounds dry and boring to me: Many pages full of stuff I don’tย  care about.

I sort through these feeds and post what I find interesting as a runner.ย I think you will find some of the links to additional stories and information interesting also.ย If none of them sound good, you still get to read my post.

Run well my friends!


ยฉ anagelin, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0





4 responses to “Base miles”

  1. txa1265 Avatar

    It is interesting how we adapt to temperatures … last Friday we dipped below 20F with wind added on top, so my normal 4AM run felt quite chilly! Especially since on Tuesday I was in shorts and a t-shirt!

  2. OmniRunner Avatar

    This time of year temps fluctuate so much. You get used to running cold and then the day of your race it’s 60F!
    I am NOT looking forward to another cold winter. Even though 33F felt pretty good, I know the deep freeze is coming.
    In February when it almost hits 40F we’ll be out in short again and loving it. All part of the fun I guess.

  3. Harold L. Shaw Avatar

    Yeah, the cold weather is something that negatively affects us all as we get older, just part of the aging process :-). I am not looking forward to the colder runs this year, but Bennie can’t go to the gym with me. so we will continue to do our daily runs outside and then I will see how “bad” it is and decide to do my run on the treadmill or brave the outside again. I know, I know the treadmill…but I actually do not mind the treadmill and can control my pace better ๐Ÿ™‚

    You will do the 1,000 miles no problems and like you I have decided to just focus on the 5K for a while, but agree you need to have one longer run every week or two.

    1. OmniRunner Avatar

      Good to hear from you. I hear you got a little snow up there last week? My sister lost power for a few hours.
      The treadmill definitely has it’s place. The control is great and it’s really nice to have that option on a crappy day!
      Cheers – Andy