, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Category: Rants, pontifications and general mayhem

  • Half full glass

    Monday, monday Monday I wrote about my disaster in the locker room where a bottle of spray-on sun screen discharged completely into my gym bag and ruined my brand new, never worn tie. I’m still determined to salvage the tie and I’m having some luck. I ran 10K Monday morning before work and thought I…

  • Starting the week out right

    Now that the kids our out of school and I don’t need to give anyone a ride in the morning, I have time for a morning run. Starting the week out right This morning I threw my work shirt over a t-shirt, packed my gym bag and headed for work. We have a locker room…

  • Running Safety and Etiquette

    Running Safety and Etiquette Anyone who has been a runner for a while has probably run in the road at one time or another. Often runners encounter other runners, cyclist, dog walkers and cars and trucks. Even if you run on a trail or the side-walk you may have encountered all of these fellow travelers.…, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0