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Category: Rants, pontifications and general mayhem

  • Running Towards My Goals

    Running Towards My Goals

    Goals and Commitments My New Year’s Commitment for 2014 was to run 1,000 miles. As of October 22nd I have achieved 880 running miles. With all of November and December to go, plus another week left in October, I’m confident that I will be able to achieve my goal of 1,000 miles. This week I…

  • So many pedestrians

    So many pedestrians, so little time! Why is it when I give a pedestrian the go ahead to cross at a cross walk they insist on sauntering across the road while sending a text message? I know that legally I am supposed to yield to pedestrians in a cross walk, but come on! We are…

  • Training at 50

    The 50’s are here! AARP can wait. I need that membership fee to sign up for a 5K. If you saw my post yesterday, I have a few to run in the next 12 months. Over the years, my birthday has fallen on Labor Day or Labor Day weekend several times. Three days to eat, drink…

  • The Big 5-0

    The Big 5-0

    Today I hit the big 5-0 Every time I say that, I hear the opening riffs to the original Hawaii 5-0 show. I think that may be my un-official theme song for the next 365 days. I’ll have to buy a Hawaiian shirt or something. Anyone sell tech shirts or singlets in that design? This…

  • The Amazing Weekend

    The Amazing Weekend How many of those have you had? The truly amazing weekends are rare or in name only. My weekend began on Friday, so there’ a +1 right there. Off to college On Friday we took my youngest daughter to college. My oldest daughter had not gone back to school yet, so it…

  • On Time Travel

    On Time Travel The time at a race waiting for the start, can seem to drag on forever. Then, all of a sudden, it is time to line up and you still have things to do. Things that are crucial to your pre-race routine. All veteran runners have a pre-race routine. It develops over time as…, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0