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Category: Writing and Technology
InterSystems 2019 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice
InterSystems 2019 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice, pub-4167727599129474, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Garmin Connect Mobile App and Achieving Goals with small data
Garmin Connect mobile app and small data can make a big difference in achieving goals. Focusing on a few pieces of data enables you to focus on goals.
A Real River Run
An afternoon run looks like a run on the river!
WordCamp Boston 2017 Boston University
WordCamp Boston 2017 was another awesome event! WordCamp Boston is an annual 2-day conference for WordPress developers and users. If you are a hard core coder or a business guy like me, there is something for you. WordCamps are held all over the country and WordCamp Boston usually takes place at Boston University in July.…
Time for a Change
Time for a Change? For the past few years I’ve had a newsletter for people who followed this blog. Most people follow my blog on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. For the people who subscribed to the newsletter, I would send an email for each new post. In addition to a link to the latest blog…