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Author: OmniRunner

  • Marathon Training Continues

    Marathon training continues This week’s total miles were 38.17, or 2.52 miles more than last week. Most training plans allow for a 10% per week increase in miles. My 2.52 was less than that, but enough for me. I ran the same 21.01 mile course that I ran the previous week for my Sunday Long…

  • Oscar Pistorius found innocent

    Oscar Pistorius Did Not Intentionally Kill Girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, Judge Rules A South African judge made her ruling this morning. Oscar could still be found guilty of other charges including culpable homicide and weapons charges. I had great respect for Oscar as an athlete. In every interview he was gracious and humble. After the shooting…

  • So many pedestrians

    So many pedestrians, so little time! Why is it when I give a pedestrian the go ahead to cross at a cross walk they insist on sauntering across the road while sending a text message? I know that legally I am supposed to yield to pedestrians in a cross walk, but come on! We are…

  • Super Sunday Long Run Part II

    Super Sunday Long Run Each year our club volunteers for the “Victorian Fair” in Melrose. Melrose has many Victorian style homes that are just amazing. I have been told that many of these homes were built by railroad owners and executives. It’s a big street fair with vendors and local civic organizations. The Melrose Running Club…

  • Training at 50

    The 50’s are here! AARP can wait. I need that membership fee to sign up for a 5K. If you saw my post yesterday, I have a few to run in the next 12 months. Over the years, my birthday has fallen on Labor Day or Labor Day weekend several times. Three days to eat, drink…

  • The Big 5-0

    The Big 5-0

    Today I hit the big 5-0 Every time I say that, I hear the opening riffs to the original Hawaii 5-0 show. I think that may be my un-official theme song for the next 365 days. I’ll have to buy a Hawaiian shirt or something. Anyone sell tech shirts or singlets in that design? This…